From our original base in the UK, we are now expanding globally, into the US, rest of Europe, Asia and beyond. From roots in the 1990s, Blue Moon Group (BMG) intends to become the world’s leading consultancy specialising in a mix of communications, business and campaigning advice in a range of sectors such as:

  • Information and communications strategies
  • Business ideas, planning, advice, roll-out, partnerships
  • Political advice, campaigns, lobbying, government engagement, laws
Credit Today - magazine and credit consultancy

Credit and finance is at the heart of all we do: how do we assess and manage this properly? Credit Today has been provided news, promotion and advice for the credit industry, since 1998, as well as the annual Credit show and awards, starting in the UK. For all information, marketing, PR and consultancy purposes, get in touch.

Where is the industry headed? What do we want to achieve?

Looking also at all money movements, payments and the business cycle.

Pink Ribbon - global breast cancer campaign

Working towards achieving global excellence in breast cancer prevention and cure, to eliminate breast cancer mortality by 2035. BMG is a partner organisation helping to create and support the charity, in development since the late 1990s, HQ in New York City, US. For info, please reach out.

Research, campaigns, lobbying, and service provision.

Featuring: the Pink Ribbon awards.

Landor and transport, Zing for the environment. 1Data for your world

Future highways, transport and the environment (Landor). (Company rescue).

Zing – cleaning and healing the world: communities, councils, enterprise.

Coming soon – new global data project.

Political & PR

Currently working on:
Revitalising the traditional British counties, with the British Counties Campaign and Pam’s County Campaign. Email:

Funded by: CountyBusiness.UK

Major world city state PR. To be confirmed.

Other news and views, including – Look & Learn: The 2020 Moment
Possible bonus: The Awards Awards Awards – saying well done to those thanking the thankers!

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